1 EiMitch  Thu, Dec 22, 2011 7:42:47pm
...but the touchy topic was largely ducked by journalists.

Is that really a surprise, considering what else they've ducked lately? They won't touch on the GOP's wild-eyed, in-your-face, anti-science crusade, for fear of losing ratings from the debates. They refuse to discus Kim's legacy of mass murdering madness for fear of losing business in NK's enabler, China.

The media investigates practically nothing. Because the people, governments, and other organizations which the media should be investigating are the same ones they must pander to in order to do business globally.

If they touch the subject of the origin of Palestinian nationalism, they can lose alot of viewers in the middle east. The news business is not about what people need to hear, but about what people want to hear.

2 Buck  Thu, Dec 22, 2011 8:23:19pm

For these journalist it is a given that the scary conservative is wrong, and a racist.

After that there is really no reason to try and find out the truth.

There are many people, here in this website that can't acknowledge that what Newt said was absolutely true.

3 EiMitch  Thu, Dec 22, 2011 10:09:10pm

re: #2 Buck

Not 100 percent true, but true to a point. Yes, Palestinian nationalism is a recent invention. But when the state of Israel was first recognized by the UN, Israeli nationalism was a relatively recent invention at the time.

Age isn't as important to nationalism as many presume.

But there are people on both sides who feel they have to exaggerate to make their case. The notorious book "From Time Immemorial" was propaganda that exaggerated Israel's claim to the land. Whereas the Palestinian's exaggerations to their legitimacy are ubiquitous in conversations on the subject.

Everyone would be better off if these misconceptions were cleared-up. But take a look at local wingnuts and ask yourself how kindly they take to having any of their dogma challenged. That is what the mainstream media fears about the subject of Palestinian nationalism's origins.

4 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Dec 23, 2011 5:44:11am

On this topic you do not need to believe Gingrich.


5 ferdy1  Fri, Dec 23, 2011 5:45:55am

re eimitch
please document your claim that "From Time Immemorial" makes exaggerated claims. I would appreciate specific references from her book that are inaccurate as you claim.

6 Buck  Fri, Dec 23, 2011 10:07:39am

re: #3 EiMitch

Finding one book (that I never heard of) to refute is not an argument for anything.

In 1947 the word “Palestinian” -- if it meant anything at all -- referred to Jews living in Palestine. The Palestine Post (now the Jerusalem Post) was the Jewish English-language newspaper. The Palestine Orchestra (now the Israel Philharmonic) was a Jewish orchestra, filled to overflowing with Holocaust survivors. The United Palestine Appeal, an American charity, raised money to resettle homeless Jews from Europe in Palestine -- one of the things Arabs objected to the most.

Arabs living in the territory of Palestine were called “Arabs”

In addition, let me spell it out for you on how the LEGAL TITLE to that land was transferred to the Jews for a homeland.


The Balfour declaration, became part of international law when it was incorporated into the British Mandate for Palestine, ratified by the Allied Powers at the San Remo conference (1922) and adopted by the US through the Anglo-American Convention (1924), became a binding international commitment to the Jewish people, based on the “historical connection of the Jewish people to Palestine and the grounds for reconstituting their national home there,” a commitment which has never been revoked.

Before that the land was not the State of Palestine, but rather it was legally part of the Ottoman Empire. The Legal Title to Palestine was therefore transferred from the Ottoman Empire to the Allied Powers … and then in 1922 to the Jewish people.

These are facts that no one can dispute. At the same time they gave Syria the land that is now Syria, and Lebanon the land that is now Lebanon. No one think that those states are illegitimate. Only Israel and the Jews are questioned. The same Conference, using the same international law.

I repeat for emphasis: The Legal Title to Palestine was transferred in 1922 to the Jewish people.

That land included Gaza, Judea and Samaria. It also included what is now Jordan. The Jews have already given that land to Arabs. They gave that land, more than 3 times the size of what they kept. All that was left for the Jews was the tiny little sliver of a land.

7 Buck  Fri, Dec 23, 2011 11:10:12am

re: #3 EiMitch

The most important thing that I can think is that you need to know that what you said:

Israeli nationalism was a relatively recent invention at the time.

Is simply not true.

Image: palestine_coin_Small.JPG

This 1927 coin was currency. It has Hebrew writing on it. Right under the PA of the word Palestine is two Hebrew letters with an apostrophe between them in brackets. The letters represent the two words Eretz Israel (translated:The land of Israel). You will also note that English and Arabic are prominent. That is because, even back then the plan was to be inclusive. Even back then the Jews recognized the Arab population as an official ethnic and religious minority. The Jewish leadership had made detailed plans for the establishment of an Arabic-language press, the improvement of health in the Arab sector, the incorporation of Arab officials in the government, and the integration of Arabs within the police and the ministry of education.

8 EiMitch  Fri, Dec 23, 2011 9:35:49pm

re: #5 ferdy1

No, because its been done to death. Do a Google search sometime.

re: #7 Buck

Wow, double-post. Obsess much?

The most important thing that I can think is that you need to know that what you said:

"Israeli nationalism was a relatively recent invention at the time."

Is simply not true.

If you had looked up "relative" in the dictionary, you could've saved yourself the trouble. When Israel was first recognized by the UN, Israeli nationalism wasn't much older at the time than Palestinian nationalism is today. So, yes it is true.

Then again, if beating the crap out of strawmen makes you feel better, then please continue.

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